Thursday, October 1, 2009

What Do You See?

My study is located in a room that we built in the garage of our home. When we built it we put in a window so that there would be some natural light and so that I would be less likely to remember that I am sitting in my garage. The table that I work at faces that window and I can look out of it at the homes that line West Avenue J in Jerome where we live. It is a nice and fairly quiet neighborhood with a lot of kids and a prevailing sense of normalcy about it.
On occasion as I look out the window of my study I think about what it would be like if instead of looking out upon West Avenue J in Jerome, Idaho I was looking out upon a village in southern Senegal where we minister. What would be different? What things would remain the same?
If I were in Senegal instead of looking out and seeing neatly lined houses with vinyl siding I would see houses made of mud with thatch or tin roofs. If I were looking out onto a village in Senegal the grass covered yards of West Avenue J would give way to sand and dust in the dry season and mud and standing water during the rainy season. The cars that go up and down my street would be replaced by people on foot, a bicycle or an ox or donkey pulled cart, and on rare occasions a possible car. The skin color of the people would change along with their clothing, but the smiles and laughter and joy of the children would still be there. If my street were in Senegal everyone who lived on it would surely all know each other and we would great each other every time that we passed. There would be a greater sense of community among us and less of an individualized existence where we live in isolation from those around us. Indeed, if as I write this I were looking out upon a Senegalese village things would be much different.
While there are many differences, there are some similarities as well. Whether overlooking a village in Senegal or the homes on West Avenue J one things remains the same: the people there need to hear the message of Jesus. And my responsibility, just like yours if you are a follower of Jesus Christ, is to have a part in taking that message to them. Whether it is crossing a culture or crossing the street we are surrounded by people that have no hope apart from the message of the Gospel. What do you see when you look out your window and how can God use you to touch the lives of the people that are there?