Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Life Changing Truth

For me personally there has never been a verse that has so impacted my thinking and living of the Christian life than Colossians 3:4. The verse reads: “When Christ who is our life appears, then you will also appear with Him in glory.” It may be an overstatement to say that that verse is one of the greatest passages in the New Testament. But it would not be an overstatement for me to say that in my own personal life and relationship with Jesus Christ that He has used this passage in a greater way than possibly any other in the Bible. I had read this passage many, many times in my reading of Scripture, but about five years ago this verse, and specifically one phrase, leapt off the page and I have been trying to live out the implications of that phrase ever since: CHRIST WHO IS OUR LIFE. Because Jesus is not meant to be just a part of your life; not even a big part of your life. Jesus should be your life. And everything in life rides on this and how true this is for you and me. My hope for this site is that it will encourage me (and possibly the one or two other people that view it!) to live out the truth that Christ is our life. Most of the things that I plan to post will simply be comments upon Scripture in order to encourage, challenge, and strengthen us to show the supremacy of Jesus in all of life!