Monday, August 24, 2009

The Application of the Truth of God to the Hurting Soul: Part 5

Using a biblical filter for our thoughts
The question now arises, “What thoughts do I take captive?” Being aware of our thoughts and taking our thoughts captive is of no use unless we know what thoughts need to be eradicated. To do this we need a filter.
Consider how a filter works in your home air conditioning unit: as the air flows over the filter it is designed to capture and stop certain things from making it into the air ducts of your house. It stops dust, lint, and other particles that are unhealthy for your family to breath, but allows the air to pass through without problem. In other words, it stops the bad things from traveling any further and allows the proper things to pass through unabated.
God’s Word also gives us a biblical “filter” for our thoughts in Philippians 4:8 where Paul writes, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-- think about such things.” The criterion that our thoughts have to meet is truth, nobility, rightness, purity, loveliness, admirableness, excellence, and praiseworthiness. Things that meet these criteria pass through the filter and should be thought about and meditated upon. Thoughts that do not meet these criteria don’t pass through this filter and should be taken captive and we do not think about them.
The problem is that most of our thoughts should never make it through the filter. To use our example of the person with depression again, the thought, “This is going to be another terrible day” should be taken captive because it is not pure, lovely, or noble. It may indeed be true, but to dwell upon that idea sends the depressed person into further despondency and further away from the realization of God in their lives. To use another example, the thought “God has abandoned me and is nowhere to be found” does not meet the criteria of truth. It may feel like the truth, but in actuality it is simply a lie. Again, this thought must be taken captive and put out of one’s mind. The filter is of no use unless it is implemented through the active taking captive of one’s thoughts.
(NOTE: This is not the power of positive thinking or anything of the sort. As will hopefully be seen below, this is the power of biblical truth to transform and renew our minds [Romans 12:2].)