Monday, April 26, 2010

25 Damaging Effects of Pornography

If you are reading this it means that you have access to the internet. And if you have access to the internet then you also have access to pornography. The statistics on porn viewing are astounding and shocking to say the least. The internet allows for porn viewing through accessibility, affordability, and anonymity. A deadly mix that lures many men (and women).
Let me list for you some of the damaging effects of pornography. (These are just 25 that I came up with and shared with a group  of men at our church a few months ago; I am sure that we could list more.)
1) Pornography breaks the seventh commandment concerning adultery
2) Porn is unnatural in the sense that it is sexual pleasure that is solo
3) Porn is usually a deceptive secret sin that allows one to continue under a pretense of sanctified and holy living
4) The pornographic images that are viewed will stay with a man in their mind long after the computer is shut off
5) When a man views porn they are viewing someone’s daughter
6) When a man views porn they are viewing someone’s current or future wife
7) When a man views porn they are adding to the shame that the people in the pornographic images feel currently or will feel in the future
8) Viewing pornography gives no thought to the image of God within the people in the porn images, no matter how marred that image may be
9) Porn gives a false view of true sexual relations within marriage
10) The law of diminishing returns is in effect with porn
11) Women are made an exclusive object of sexual desire which diminishes their personhood and the reality of the image of God
12) Porn sets up unrealistic expectations concerning what one’s wife will do and will look like
13) It is difficult, if not impossible, not to mentally recall pornographic images when in a real sexual situation with one’s spouse
14) Pornography disgusts God
15) Much of pornography depicts lesbianism
16) Much of pornography depicts abuse
17) Viewing porn supports the porn industry which is ruining millions of people’s lives
18) Pornography ruins marriages
19) You would not view porn with Jesus sitting in the room with you
20) For the Christian porn leads to overwhelming guilt and shame
21) Viewing porn breaks a Christian’s fellowship with God
22) It is hypocritical to tell your children to abstain from porn if you are viewing it
23) Viewing porn wastes time that is meant to be used for the glory of God
24) It turns your attention to sexual things in an inordinate fashion that may spill over into non porn viewing times
25) You would not want others to view porn if it was your loved one on the screen
Job 31:1- "I have made a covenant with my eyes; Why then should I look upon a young woman?"
1 Thessalonians 4:3- "For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you should abstain from sexual immorality"