Sunday, December 13, 2009

If I Only Had Three Years Left...

For several months now my wife Gayle and I have been asking ourselves a question. What we hope will be a life-changing question. A question that rightly answered will cause us to radically reprioritize our lives. The question is this: If we had only three years left on this earth what would we do? What would change in our lives? What would become more important? What would be a bigger priority?
We have been asking this question not because we have a terminal illness that we know of or because of any other external reason (including the Mayan calendar!). We have sought to ask and answer this question because we do not want to waste the life and the salvation that God has so graciously given to us. We realize that life is like a vapor (James 4:14) and therefore we must live with planned urgency.
So let me share with you ten of my personal answers to the question: If I had only three years left on this earth what would I do?
I would:
1) Strive as the chief aim of all I do to draw closer to Jesus
2) Apply Scripture to every area of my life
3) Pray with greater intimacy and do more listening to and for the voice of God
4) Spend more real, purposeful, intimate time with my family
5) Do more to reach people with the Gospel, especially the unreached peoples of the world
6) Pray more fervently for the lost
7) Be more generous and give more radically
8) Love the Body of Christ deeper
9) Think much more about heaven and the life to come
10) Live with and in the freedom of why I was created and why I was saved: to glorify God

What about you? If you had only three years left on this earth what would you do?

(I elaborated upon these ten answers in my sermon "If..." that can be viewed at